Category: Dorset Wildlife & Animals

The Prickle of Hedgehogs in Hazelbury Bryan | August 2021

Recently in Hazelbury Bryan we had a sad incident where three adult and two baby hedgehogs were accidentally killed by a subcontractor cutting a...

Pets and their diet

Diet and the right nutrition has come a long way in the pet industry over the last few years and getting it right can...

Verging on the Wild Side

Wildflower verges are a hot topic this summer.  It’s clear that more needs to be done to protect bees and other wildlife. Wildflowers are a...

The Importance of Ponds

With any luck, this summer you’ll get to enjoy plenty of time outside, taking in the buzz, chirp and croak of hundreds of wildlife...

Know the signs of flystrike…

Flystrike, also known as myiasis, is a serious condition that is seen in animals that live outside; it is more common in rabbits and...

A Twilight Walk

There is a veritable abundance of wildlife in our gardens and parks, as well as in the wider countryside, at this time of year,...


Bucked in the Yarn

Three small Somerset villages had a huge impact on global exploration and trade – Rachael Rowe talks to Professor Terry Stevens “Nothing much ever happened...

We are what (politics) we eat

“We are what we eat” and “our diet defines us”. If I take that metaphor and apply it to our political consumption for the...

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