Simple Steps To Taking Your Small Business Online.


Joanne Dewberry is an Author, Sage Business Expert and multi award-winning, 30-something coffee lover who lives in rural Dorset with her long-suffering partner and three children. When she isn’t writing or networking she is partial to a bag of crisps and a crime drama. Check out Joanne’s new book “Networking A Successful Small Business” which can be purchased via Amazon.

Joanne Dewberry

Joanne will be sharing her expertise with us every month, offering simple, easy tips and advice aimed at
small local businesses looking to grow in an ever- changing modern marketplace.

Yikes! Hasn’t 2020 been a bit unprecedented?
Coronavirus and lockdown made us think about our small business in ways we probably haven’t EVER
considered in the past when we are busy working in our business. We had to work out how to stay safe,
whilst still delivering great services and products without being able to leave our house. Come September
whilst things are easing with many industries trading face to face again there has been a huge shift within
your target audience’s shopping and leisure habits. Your small business needs to follow and adapt to this

3 Easy Ways To Get Digital Today.

1. Networking:

The most important aspect for me during Coronavirus has been “networking” I even published a book about it! OK so going out to large group formal meetings are still few and far between but there are TONNES of other ways to keep connecting and building relationships with other business owners, potential customers/ clients and a larger audience. Make time weekly to chat online with others within your network, brainstorm and check-in. Utilise private Facebook groups, Twitter chats or forums. Pick up the phone, most of us will use our phones to do a vast majority of our business, but how often do you actually call someone and just catch up with a real person?

2. Facebook Live:

It’s not surprising that this feature has become a huge tool with just about everyone conducting their lives online. Dorset business, Made By Me Craft Parties started doing free craft-alongs using recycling from around the home aided by her two children. During lockdown, the popularity of these grew to over 24.4k views. Alexia was able to build trust and likeability, enabling her to then sell her products. Moving her business to an online shop not only opened up a new audience but stopped her from drowning in a pile-up of stock from cancelled parties and most important of all continued to generate an income.

3. Digital Advertising:

Fewer people are picking up traditional print publications, instead choosing to opt for digital magazines delivered straight to their inbox (*cough* – Ed), providing the reader with the best of the local community and the longevity of digital rather than being recycled by mistake. We have a programmed impulse to take action with digital communication, that you don’t get with print. When you read something online you are more compelled to share, engage or bookmark but also it’s always to hand right there on your phone. Small businesses are able to track conversions, traffic and convert leads easier and clearer than with print advertising.

By Joanne Dewberry


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