Whilst some of the judging teams for the Love Local, Trust Local Awards have been out aorund the county visiting the finalist food and drink producers, others let the food come to them…

Last year’s winners Meggy Moos Dairy have returned this year as judges, ansd have been visiting entrants for the Dairy category: “We have spent the last week visiting the entrants for this years Dairy category.
It has been such an interesting week – we had six very different businesses to visit, some were producing the same product but all with a different approach. What was strikingly consistent across them all not only the love and care for their livestock, but also for their customers and for the communities in which they operate.

We were impressed by their passion and enthusiasm for what they do, their drive to produce the very best product they can and the time they are prepared to invest in talking to customers and helping to educate them on why buying local, seasonal or British is so important.
A huge thank you, well done and good luck from us to all this years entrants. You really are demonstrating why loving local is best.”
As well as the judge’s location visits, all judges and sponsors met during October for an evening of tasting of the finalist products for the 2021 Love Local Trust Local Food and Drink Awards. Upon arrival the entries were arrayed by category (cheese, meat, dairy, bakery, preserves, etc.), and each tasting judge sampled every product.
Forms were available to complete for each category, and judges were expected to note down their favourite, their second choice, and the reasons for those choices, before handing their completed forms to the head category judge and moving to the next category.
Once most of the judging was completed, everyone enjoyed a sociable meal together which was finished by the all important ice cream tasting.

Tickets are now on sale for the awards ceremony on the 30th November – find out more at www.lovelocaltrustlocalawards. co.uk

Sponsored by Blanchards Bailey – Law for Life