‘I’m done with making impossible new year resolutions that I know I can’t keep – but I’ve got a plan that works for me and my clients’, says Karen Geary

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the ‘new year, new you’ marketing at this time of year. We’re told we don’t need to buy into quick fixes to burn the extra pounds, but are then subject to a long list of things to do. Then the usual suspects of Weight Watchers, detoxes, resets, Whole 30, Keto, Bulletproof, 5:2 diet, Fast 800 and Veganuary (just to name a few), get trotted out as ‘the answer’.
There is then a list of things we need to ‘worry less’ about, as well as the list of things we need to do that are ‘free’.
This years’ list of ‘must do’s’ include things to better manage our mental health, stress levels and anxiety; consideration of which may actually make us feel more anxious.
Just say no
I’m done with lists which make us feel unworthy. It is already well known that most people give up their resolutions by the third week in January. Given the past couple of years we have had, messages that try to exhort us to act while we have a glimmer of positive new year vibes just feel like more pressure. ‘Becoming the best version of ourselves,’ is damaging subliminal messaging and suggests that you are ‘less than’, that somehow you are not good enough and have not done enough. No wonder we feel we have failed before we have even started!
Ensure your success
So give yourself a break from all of that nonsense this year. Success comes from two things;
1. being consistent
2. small, incremental gains And absolutely no massive overhauls that cannot be sustained.
If you are in business, you will know that one of the best forms of personal development is one where you play to your strengths, rather than trying to do things that you are not cut out for.
People who succeed in business play to their strengths instead of expending major effort on ironing out their weaknesses – it’s why you see leaders who are often idiosyncratic in nature; they to excel in some things very well and they are extremely consistent about practising it. So this year when it comes to health, and in particular nutrition, start with what you already know so you can make small incremental gains that you can apply consistently.
Small is good
When I look at the successes of my clients, the ones who truly excel take small achievable steps that they can stick with. For example: the client who only gave up sugar and lost 10lbs; the client who consistently just added a few more plants into their diet each day to improve gut health; the client who only stopped snacking between meals and turned around their menopausal weight gain. When it comes to weight loss intentions, any plan works in the short term, but for it to be sustainable, it needs to be something that you feel you can do habitually; long past the time when the initial motivation or willpower fades. Weight loss has many layers; behavioural, socio-economic, genetic and environmental. You can read more about it here.
So reflect on that one thing you feel you can do that plays to your strengths and stop putting pressure on yourself. You are already good enough. My one thing this year is to do one extra walk a week.
I hope that the new year is a wonderful year for you.
If you do happen to be participating in Veganuary, then let me help you do it the healthy way by downloading my free meal plan here. It appears in the pop up window!” Karen
by Karen Geary, a Registered Nutritional Therapist DipION, mBANT, CNHC at Amplify