Following the crisis occurring in the Ukraine at the moment, as a school, the children decided they would like to help the humanitarian effort by taking part in the following fundraising events.

1. Dress down day for £1 donation (children wore blue or yellow the colours of the Ukraine flag)
2. Sunflower planting 50p donation (the children planted and took home the national flower of Ukraine)
3. Everyone loves a cake stall at the end of the day – we were overwhelmed with the level of donations made by parents and staff, looking beautiful and tasting just as good. The school council did a fantastic job selling
the cakes to parents.
We raised an amazing £152 on the day and still have cakes left; the children have agreed all proceeds will be sent on to the Disaster Emergency Committee, who will disburse the funds to Save the Children, Action Aid and British Red Cross as the need arises.
Thank you everyone again for your support.