Sexey’s School students and staff have raised more than £1,000 supporting the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation’s annual ‘Big Yellow Friday’.

For the ninth consecutive year, Sexey’s School has supported this cause alongside Tilly, the eldest child of two former pupils who met in Sexey’s Sixth Form, and who had a life-saving liver transplant at 10 months old. This year students attended school wearing items of yellow ranging from scarfs and socks to jumpers, full-length coats and high-visibility jackets.
Sixth Form students supported the event by selling yellow cupcakes, made by the kitchen and dining team, and raffle tickets to win some great prizes including a Nintendo Switch, F1 Merchandise and Amazon
To date the school has helped raise more than £40,000 by holding non-uniform days, coffee mornings, raffles and bake sales.
Mr Hill, IT Systems Manager at Sexey’s School said “Thank you to everyone who has once again supported this important cause that has such a personal tie to the school. It’s fantastic that we have raised more than
£1,000 to help fight all childhood liver diseases. We are especially grateful to all the businesses who donated prizes.”