From insect burgers to sushi made from bugs, Mr Dines and his class of Year 5 pupils from Motcombe Primary School were very lucky to be invited to the Future Classroom at Shaftesbury School to do a STEM project looking at the future of food.
The first day consisted of a series of mini workshops with STEM ambassadors from the school, where the children looked at profit and net costs, branding, the benefits of insects as a food choice, and designed and created a basic recipe using future food ingredients.
Creativity had no bounds and they created some unique recipes that they were then able to cook in the professional kitchen alongside Year 7 pupils, and Head Chef Clive Harris. When in the kitchen, they got a
taste of what secondary school life is like from talking to the students who were helping. They also got to make and watch their wonderful and weird creations come to life, and realise that they actually tasted really nice. The students showed determination to try them, and they are glad they did.
The benefits of eating insects is something the children researched – rich in much-needed protein and iron, they cause less strain on the land and water resources and help in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
“It was definitely fun and I also liked cooking the sushi because I have never cooked it before and it was tasty with crickets.” (Viggo J)
“…being in the future classroom was really cool. It’s bigger, you can write on the walls and there was great technology to use.”
(Alice S)