Is this the perfect autumnal bake? Simple-but-perfect apple turnovers


The hot and sunny summer will have been a blessing for all the parts of our lovely county that benefit from the tourist trade. After a difficult two years with the effects of the pandemic, to have full beaches and local attractions (and therefore full bars, restaurants and shops), will have been wonderful for all kinds of local businesses.
The weather has definitely made the last couple of months more interesting for our local farmers
though. It still remains to be seen how much of an impact that will have on the levels of locally-grown produce in our shops. While some crops will have benefited – it’s been good for the blossoming wine industry – others are struggling. If you want to show support for our local farmers and those who source their ingredients from them, then do try your local farm shops and delis and buy from them direct – even an occasional small spend helps if we’re all doing it.
This recipe is made using apples which are just coming into season. Dorset has a wide range of apples and while some apple turnover recipes insist on Bramley apples, I would recommend you try any kind – sometimes the texture of the apple inside the pastry adds something wonderful to the bake, rather than just a soft inside. Heather x


  • 2 packs of ready rolled puff pastry (fridge cold)
  • 10 to 12 apples
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 to 3 heaped tbsp soft brown sugar
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 1tbsp Demerara sugar to finish


  • Peel and core the apples and chop into small pieces (0.5cm cubes).
  • In a small saucepan, add the apple pieces, the soft brown sugar and the cinnamon. If you are using a sweeter apple variety then use less sugar here; you can always taste and add more if you need to. If using a sour apple variety, like Granny Smith or Bramley, then use slightly more sugar.
  • Mix the ingredients well until the sugar and spice coat the apple pieces and then turn on the heat to medium. Gently cook the apples pieces until they soften. If you are using a Bramley apple, the apple pieces will completely lose their shape, but something like a Pink Lady will just soften to lose the ‘crunch’ when you bite them – this is what you are looking for. This will take 5-10 minutes and be careful not to let them burn on the bottom by giving them a stir as they cook.
  • Leave this mixture to cool completely (you can make this stage ahead and leave in the fridge until you are ready to make the turnovers).
  • Pre-heat the oven to 180º fan/Gas 5. Grease and line two baking trays.
  • To make the turnovers, roll out the pastry and gently cut into squares – there are no rules here, the size of the square is up to you. Some love a huge turnover, some like little turnover bites.
  • Dab a little of the beaten egg around the edge of the squares. Place the apple mixture onto one diagonal half of the square and fold the pastry over to make a triangle with the mixture inside.
  • Press down the edges with a fork.
  • Carefully move them to the baking tray. Brush beaten egg across the top and sprinkle over some of the demerara sugar.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on how large they are) until crisp and golden brown.

Heather Brown is on the committee of the Guild of Food Writers; she is a home economist with a passion for Dorset’s brilliant foodie scene, as well as a dab hand at fixing websites, and with a penchant for taking a good foodie photo. Heather runs Dorset Foodie Feed, championing Dorset’s food and drink businesses, as well as working one-to-one with clients.


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