Sherborne’s boys celebrate GCSE results


Just as the A level cohort had to contend with the added pressures, constraints and frustrations of the pandemic, so this year’s GCSE candidates were required to work towards their examinations against the background of considerable disruption and uncertainty. Despite that, they have done magnificently well – 22 per cent of their GCSEs were awarded the top grade of 9; 48% grades 9 and 8; and 67% 9 to 7 (equivalent to the old A*/A grades).
On an individual level, 18 boys achieved ten or more grades 9-7. Among them is Bertie T, who secured an exceptional 12 Grade 9s, a feat emulated by only a dozen or so pupils across the country.
Hot on his heels were Max S with ten Grade 9s and two 8s, and Hector K with ten 9s and one 8.
Just as impressive were all those boys whose grades demonstrated the power of hard work, commitment and self-belief.
Headmaster Dr Dominic Luckett commented: ‘I am tremendously impressed by these results. They have shown great determination, resilience and ambition and their grades are a fitting reward. It is also worth noting that many of the boys have extremely busy co-curricular programmes and have successfully combined their sport, music, art, drama and outdoor activities with the highest levels of academic attainment. Great credit also goes to their teachers and the other staff who nurtured and supported them through some very challenging times. I am very grateful to them all.
Equally, I am delighted that pupils at our sister school, Sherborne Girls, have achieved similarly excellent results. Congratulations to them all – I want the boys to know how proud of them we are.’


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