Raising the beds for gardening club


During the summer holidays Piddle Valley CE First School has been working hard on improvements to the outdoor environment. This includes renewing the raised beds in the gardening area and creating a new pond area. There is still lots of planting to do but the staff and children are all excited about encouraging the wildlife to the area.

The new raised beds have already been put to good use by the Gardening Club, an after school club who meet weekly.
So far they have hosted three ‘Piddle Produce’ markets which have been extremely popular, selling school-grown produce including carrots, lettuce, beetroot, tomatoes, apples and herbs.

To date the children of the Gardening Club have raised £60, which they will use to buy further seeds and plants for the garden. The parents and families have been very supportive of the Piddle Produce markets which has been very much appreciated


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