Sunninghill Prep has a new head


Sunninghill Prep School in Dorchester is celebrating the start of an exciting new era under the Headship of David Newberry.

David joined the school at the start of the Autumn Term and brings a wealth of experience – originally a Dorset man, David grew up on Portland before moving to London in his early twenties.
David said of his new appointment, ‘The minute I set foot in the school I felt the warmth from pupils and staff and knew this was where I wanted to be. Dorchester is an area that I know and love, and I am thrilled to have ‘come home’.
‘I want our pupils to pursue excellence and follow their passions both in the classroom and beyond. This can be achieved alongside the adventurous spirit that the school is renowned for. Our extra-curricular activities, such as sailing and windsurfing with our partners at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, really stretch and challenge our pupils in a safe environment.
‘I’m also placing creativity at the heart of our curriculum as it’s so important for our pupils’ personal growth and academic development.
‘When I’m asked what I want of our pupils, I always answer that I want them to be grounded but with a sense of adventure. I want them to be creative and able to adapt to our ever-changing world. I want them to be good citizens who know how to look after themselves and others. Our staff are proud to be part of the Sunninghill team and of the positive impact they have within our school and our wider community.’
Sunninghill’s Chair of Governors, Jean Walker, said that David Newberry’s ethos and values are well suited to Sunninghill Prep’s most senior role; ‘David places the pupils at the centre of every decision. His experience, ability to inspire pupils, parents and staff and his ambitious vision for our school makes him the ideal person to lead us.’
David concluded by saying, ‘I would love the opportunity to show you what’s behind our Dorchester walls! Not only will you find some impressive learning and well-behaved children, but we also have beautiful grounds, an outdoor heated pool, a low ropes course, forest school, an all-weather sports pitch and so much more. If you would like to know more about us, please phone us or make contact via email. We would be delighted to welcome you to see our lovely school.’


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