Is it a lack of competence or integrity?


The ringmaster has changed, but it’s the same old Tory circus with a worrying downgrade of climate policies, says Labour’s Pat Osborne

It’s an unconvincing start for Rishi Sunak. His woeful decision to reappoint Suella Braverman just days after she was forced to resign for breaking ministerial rules has already backfired. Whether Braverman’s failure to sign off on measures which could have eased pressure at Manston migrant processing centre were deliberate and callous, or just clumsy and incompetent, remains to be seen. What is clear is that the decision to reappoint a home secretary who was only recently ousted for treading a very murky line between lack of competence and lack of integrity was Sunak’s alone.
In attempting to win over the lunatic libertarian wing of the Conservative Party, Sunak has managed to create even more uncertainty at a time the country is crying out for safe and stable hands to guide us safely through an already-painful cost of living crisis.
Instead, it would seem that the ringmaster has changed, but it’s the same old Tory circus which seems to feature a cast of clowns, an acrobat with his arm in a sling, and a fire-eater with no eyebrows.
Sunak’s decision to snub COP27 while also stopping the King from attending is something that should be of huge concern to us too.
Alongside his opposition to onshore wind and support for tax breaks for oil companies, his absence in Egypt signals a worrying political downgrading of the climate crisis.
It’s as though he’s unable to make the obvious connection between climate action, energy sovereignty, cheaper fuel bills and economic growth that Labour have spelled out loud and clear in our green prosperity plan and plans for a Great British Energy company.


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