Just a couple of months before the county sees the return of the Spring Countryside Show, Nick Hill has taken the reins as Show Secretary

Nick Hill, with over 40 years of hands-on experience in farming and livestock management, has been appointed by the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society as the new Show Secretary and Event Organiser for two of Dorset’s leading rural shows.
Having exhibited prize-winning Limousin cattle and judged highly competitive cattle show classes, Nick is now set to take on a new challenge in running the Spring Countryside Show and the Gillingham & Shaftesbury show in August.
Nick joined the Young Farmers Club at the age of 13 and progressed through the ranks to become the group secretary and Federation chairman. In these roles, he was responsible for organizing shows and rallies. After finishing school, he worked on his father’s 150-acre farm in Somerset, where he specialised in raising beef cattle. Over time, he assumed the role of farm manager and established a herd of pedigree British Limousins. Nick and his herd competed in agricultural shows across the country, including the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show.
Nick’s expertise in British Limousin cattle has earned him a place on the esteemed National Judging Panel and Breeds Standard Inspection Panel for the British Limousin Cattle Society. He has also had the honour of judging at the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show on five separate occasions.
‘I am determined to maintain the strong links we have with agriculture and local businesses, while providing fun-filled days for the general public,’ said Nick. ‘I’m also keen on encouraging more young people to consider careers in agriculture. We need forward-thinking farmers who will continue to innovate.’

Two days this summer
Earlier this year, the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society announced that the annual August show will now be a two-day event, demonstrating the show’s success and the need to continuously improve. Nick is excited to take on his new role and bring his expertise to lead Turnpike Showground events through a successful 2023.
The Spring Countryside Show, launched just last year to great success, is still in its infancy as a two-day event showcasing rural life and crafts, live music, steam engines, and classic cars. Nick’s goal is to continue the massive success and growth of both shows. The Spring Show received 12,000 visitors in its first year, and a record number of 25,000 people attended the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show in August.