Spring? Is that you?


The Thorngrove team are feeling the rush of spring, says Kelsi-Dean Buck, caused by a bit of sunshine and a rush of colour in the courtyard


Well Spring is finally here! It’s taken its time, though. It felt like we had a stunning Mother’s Day weekend (I actually sat on the lounger in my garden and felt warm!), but slipped swiftly back into a wintery feel in the air… However, as I write this the sun has finally shown up. And I’m happy to report that garden-mode is now fully activated!
I’ve not had a garden space to call my own for very long, so I’m actually excited for the arrival of warmer weather and to get out and make use of it again!

Lupin month
Thorngrove’s plant of the month for April is lupins. Native to North and South America, there’s over 200 species of these flowering plants which are from the legume family. Often used in garden design due to their showy structural flowers, they come in a variety of colours including pink, purple, blue, yellow, and white. Some can grow up to 5 feet tall, and they do require well-drained soil and full sun to thrive. Don’t forget that lupins are a great source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Planting lupins in your garden will help attract these beneficial insects and promote a healthy ecosystem in your own garden.
Secret Garden
Our new menu in the café should be launching soon after this month’s BV goes ‘to print’, so please keep an eye out for that. We’ve been welcoming lots of new faces at The Secret Garden Café and it feels like word has really been spreading about the amazing food we have available. A huge credit goes to Ben and his team in the café for making it one of Gillingham’s highest reviewed cafés on Google. Indoor seating is available of course, but we’ve also revamped our outdoor patio in anticipation for the warmer weather, so please do stop by this spring with friends!

Lunch inside the Secret Garden Cafe

Coming up
At Thorngrove this month we’re hosting Children’s Crafts (at time of writing spaces are already filling up so please book to avoid disappointment!). We’ve also announced open days for Employ My Ability, happening May 16th and 17th – book your guided tour today! At EMA we offer vocational qualifications and work experience to young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and Thorngrove functions as a campus for our students. Find out more on our website! employmyability.org.uk/


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