Weed whacking and the death of dairy farms


In the second of September’s BV podcast – still in the new longer format which has proved popular – Jenny talks to Jane Adams about how we welcome (or don’t!) bindweed, dandelion and ivy. And don’t miss Terry’s brilliant interview with Alex Stevens of the NFU, shedding a lot of light on the modern dairy farming business.

  • Resident wildlife columnist Jane Adams would like to see the term ‘weeds’ thrown out – if we use ‘wildflowers’ instead, perhaps we’ll stop fanatically removing them from our gardens and leave some for our wildlife to enjoy. 
  • Driving community connections: how Paul Futcher’s fish and chip van The Pilgrim Fryer has become a weekly staple in some North Dorset villages
  • From desperation to media sensation – how one Tweet saved Dorset artist Anna Hamilton. Her quiet social media plea turned into an overnight sensation, shifting her from financial despair to overwhelming success
  • The mysterious journey of Alan Turing’s documents, from Sherborne to America – and back. An astonishing tale of undercover archivists, FBI involvement and the triumphant return to Britain of the stolen Turing documents
  • Swimming with blue sharks reveals their stunning beauty, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Julie Hatcher tells Jenny – but lack of regulation makes them deeply vulnerable
  • Dairy farm businesses are under threat, according to a recent NFU survey. In a fascinating interview with Alex Stevens of the NFU, Terry uncovers the reasons behind the growing uncertainty among the UK’s dairy farmers


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