Chris Loder, Sarah Dyke and Karen’s Kimchi


We start the month, as always, with the Letters to the Editor, before moving on to a slice of seriousness – along with the usual political columns we have the first part of Terry’s interview with Chris Loder MP as he answers the open post bag from this month’s Q&A. Finally Jenny chats to BV columnist and Nutritional Therapist (and podcast favourite) Karen Geary. Just hit play below …

In her letter this month, editor Laura ignores the state of the world, and instead talks about the 700 monthly submissions the BV receives for the reader’s photography pages – and just how much joy they bring to everyone. Following the letters to the editor, we move on to this month’s political columns:

  • Reflecting on the current seemingly intractable conflict on the Middle East, Simon Hoare MP offers his own route map to an enduring solution
  • Sarah Dyke MP is advocating for fairness in the treatment of same sex couples for IVF therapy
  • Ken HUggins of the Green Party bemoans the government’s can-kicking with regards to achieving Net Zero by 2050
  • Labour’s Pat Osborne says it’s profits for banks – but suffering for ordinary people

In the first part of Terry’s interview with Chris Loder, he talks in more depth around his answers to the reader’s questions sent in last month. Included in his comments are subjects as diverse as access to a local NHS dentist (he’s ‘not convinced the NHS is prioritising this enough’) and planning (‘communities need to assess if the time a Neighbourhood Plan takes to draw up is ultimately time well spent.’)

And finally, Jenny chats to Karen Geary, who has some great and timely tips on how to eat healthily on a tight budget and also how what we eat can help us to stay well in the winter months through flu season.


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