For the third year in a row, the sun shone on the Grand Charities Fair, organised by Wimborne in Bloom and held on Armistice Day, Saturday 11th November. The Allendale Community Centre in Wimborne was abuzz with visitors from the moment the fair was opened by the town mayor, Cllr Mrs Diann March, accompanied by the town crier, Chris Brown.
At the fair, 21 charities and organisations oversaw 32 tables, collectively raising more than £4,000 for various causes. The stalls included fundraising efforts for Save the Children, Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, Friends of Victoria Hospital, and Green Cottage Riding for the Disabled – one of the mayor’s chosen charities for her mayoral year. Wimborne in Bloom itself hosted a successful stall featuring three hampers as prizes. Entry was free, courtesy of Wimborne in Bloom, but attendees still generously contributed over £170 at the door.
Richard Nunn, chairman of Wimborne in Bloom said, ‘The lovely weather helped encourage
many to get out and wander around. The footfall in the Allendale was steady all day from opening to closing, and those taking part did well on the generosity of Wimborne folks! Thank you all who made it such a wonderful success.’
Wimborne in Bloom will next participate in the Save the Children Parade through the town on Saturday 9th December, followed by the Annual Wine and Wisdom Fun Quiz Evening on Leap Year’s Day, Thursday 29th February 2024, at the Allendale Centre. Teams of six will compete for the Eco-Composting Shield.
Next year’s Charities Fair is already set for Saturday 9th November. For more details on events, please visit their website
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