Dorset Reading Partners (DRP) is looking for more volunteers interested in helping to inspire young children to read.
If you love books, enjoy spending time with children and have two hours a week to spare (term time only), this could be the ideal role for you!
Volunteers are placed in local schools and provided with comprehensive training, resources and full support from our team. Whether you are retired and looking for rewarding voluntary work, new to the area and keen to get involved in your local community, or perhaps thinking of a change in career and keen to gain some experience in school – this could be the perfect role for you.
Volunteers go into school for two hours a week during term time. They work 1:1 with the same four children over the school year, seeing each child for half an hour outside the classroom. Using resources supplied by DRP, they talk, share books and play games in order to build up children’s confidence and motivation, as well as their communication and literacy skills. DRP are looking for confident, personable people from all backgrounds, with excellent literacy skills and an enthusiastic manner. Please do get in touch if you are interested, as DRP are currently recruiting for their next training course.
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