Pauline Batstone shares her monthly round up of what’s happening among the town’s collection of community enterprises and events

Thank you everyone for your support with the ‘Make Stur Sparkle’ events, which SturAction helped to underwrite – we are already planning for next Christmas …

The next main event in town is the Wedding Festival starting with a display of wedding dresses in St. Mary’s Church on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd February. The Wedding Fair itself is in The Exchange on Saturday 3rd February from 10am til 3pm, and is free to attend. For more information on the fair please email

The Car and Bike Enthusiasts will also be in town on the 3rd and there will be free parking on that first Saturday of the month, paid for by SturAction from funds raised by your support to our community shops.

The Boutique is restocking after its pre-Christmas sale of posh frocks; come and treat yourself to a new look!
The Emporium, Art Gallery and Dapper Chaps continue to be bursting with a range of fascinating things at knock down prices, and The Furniture Store is holding a sale. Time for a fresh new look for your home as well, perhaps? There are some amazing bargains so do come and look – yes you can afford it …
Upstairs in the Furniture Store is the free school uniform exchange. We have enough school uniforms for a host of children, all sizes and pretty much all local schools.

1855 is proving a great attraction to the town, as we always hoped it would be. More than 80 traders means a constant turnover and something new every day.
SturAction is your local charity, working to make Stur a good place to live, work and play – our only aim is to raise funds to invest in the town. We are always looking to welcome more volunteers to work as part of our family, whatever your skills. Can you spare even an hour a week? Please get in touch with Cheryl, our shops manager for a chat. She’s usually found in 1855 or via