Admittedly, these are slightly underwhelming pictures for what is, I promise, a really lovely couple of hours walking!
To follow this route using the Outdooractive App, please find the route here.
Our first walk of the new year was such a peaceful one, full of wide open skies and big views, and despite the threatening gloom of the grey weather it stayed dry enough for a picnic (is it even a winter walk if you’re not perched under a hedge out of the wind eating a slightly-squooshed sandwich?).
The secret of the towering obelisk from 1761 in the middle of the densely wooded Weatherby Castle hillfort was fascinating – it can surely only ever be seen by surprised walkers.
The majority of the route is on bridleways, but even the footpath sections are broad and easily followed.
It is easy going all the way round, with no big hills, and despite walking it in early January it wasn’t too muddy at all. Except for the one field below. This si looking back the way we have just come, and it was flooded through the central dip, right across the valley. The only way out was through … it wasn’t impassable, but some rather sploshy trotting was involved!
People encountered – zero, except for passing the garden of one lady off to feed her chickens!
See all previously-published Dorset Walks by The BV here. You can also find every route we’ve walked (including many which are unpublished in The BV) on OutdoorActive here (just zoom in/out on the map) – all include a downloadable gpx file.