Ellie’s officially Somerset’s Young Person of the Year!


Ellie Bealing, being presented with her award by Ted Allen, Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset

Ellie Bealing, a Year 11 student at King Arthur’s School in Wincanton, has been named ‘Young Person of the Year’ at the Pride of Somerset Youth Awards. Ellie faced tough competition from other outstanding young individuals across the county, including athletes, volunteers, artists and leaders. The awards celebrated the significant impact these young people have made through their dedication, leadership, and inspiring achievements.
Sponsored by Bridgwater & Taunton College, the Young Person of the Year category awards a young person who demonstrates exceptional dedication and achievement, serves as an inspiration to others, and exemplifies the best qualities of Somerset’s youth.
Philippa Huggins, a teacher at King Arthur’s, nominated Ellie for the award. ‘Ellie is quite simply an outstanding young woman. She is a very proactive member of King Arthur’s School, she’s Head of School and sits on the school council, representing the student body both formally and informally. She represents the school and Somerset as an elected member of the Youth Parliament. She’s a member of the British Youth Council and has campaigned to highlight the disparity of experience between young people in Somerset vs other, less rural areas linked to available opportunities and transport links.’

sponsored by Wessex Internet


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