Hard work paid off for Team Rimmer at Nunney and Kingston Maurward – but ongoing yard work shows it takes an army to raise an eventer

is just trying to stay awake – he had a big weekend at the Kingston Maurward event!
June has been a really busy, fun month for Team Rimmer. Early in the month we competed at Nunney International Horse Trials. Mattie and Henry both made successful 3* debuts – Mattie in particular really moved us with his performance. With minimal runs due to cancellations, his preparation was less than ideal, but he gritted his teeth and gave each phase his absolute best efforts, finishing in the top third. It is a very special feeling when a horse really tries like that for you!
Henry, being the anxious worrier that he is, slightly let the atmosphere get to him in the dressage. He jumped really well, though, and made lots of the cross country feel easy peasy. These two horses are like chalk and cheese – Henry has all the ability in the world but struggles to really get his head down, whereas Mattie is just the kindest, grittiest trier! That’s what makes working with horses so fascinating – no two are ever the same.
The young guns have been flying round their events too, with Jimmy and Max both doing well at Nunney, and Max finishing fifth in a lovely, brand new event right on our doorstep at Kingston Maurward.
To make it all the more special, the title sponsors, Andrews Plant Hire, are also Max’s owners. It was a really lovely moment when his owner, Peter, was able to present a prize to his own horse at the prize giving ceremony! Kingston Maurward was a beautifully run competition – one we will definitely be returning to.
Checking the basics
Behind the scenes, the horses have had their mid-season MOTs, all being checked over by our Spillers Horse Feeds nutritionists Katie and Leah,, and our wonderful Devoucoux saddle fitter, Georgia. She came to our yard, and we spent time checking the fit of each horse’s dressage and jump saddles, updating any padding as she found necessary.

Not only is each horse’s body a different shape, width and length, but they also change throughout the season as they build muscle, so it’s important to keep checking the fit of the saddles to ensure the horses have maximum comfort and freedom. All my horses are ridden in Devoucoux saddles, and they absolutely love them (as do I, obviously!).
A day later, our local Spillers reps Katie and Leah came by the yard. We spent lots of time with each horse, assessing their weight and condition, chatting about how the horses are feeling as well talking through their current individually-tailored diets. Similar to the saddles, we had done this at the start of the season, but the horses have all changed a lot, so a few tweaks were made to make sure they are all receiving a balanced diet with the correct vitamins, minerals and protein.
So much goes on behind the scenes in any equestrian yard – they say it takes a village to raise a child, but I’ll admit it feels like it takes an army to raise an eventing horse!
Hopefully they are all now feeling absolutely tip-top, and ready for the next few months of competition.