The Voice of the Allotment: November diary


Barry Cuff takes a look back at what happened on his Sturminster Newton plot over the last month

Barry Cuff’s winter salad includes winter cress, lambs lettuce, various Oriental mustards, mizuna, spicy leaf mixes, winter radishes and radicchio

We lost a good friend at the end of October. Bob had an adjacent plot to ours, which he cultivated for more than 15 years. It was probably the best kept plot on the site, with straight neat paths and hardly a weed to be seen. Always willing to help out with jobs on the site, Bob erected the communal greenhouse and with help, re-roofed the main communal shed.
For many years he was the one who pumped water from the well to supply the large holding tanks and troughs. During the summer months this was carried out up to five times a week. As well as working the pump, he installed new pipework and checked and repaired leaks – all this work was given freely.
He was a wonderful neighbour, and towards the end he gave me his Cornish spade and strimmer: that’s the kind of man he was. We miss him, especially for our chats and exchange of ideas … and vegetables, of course.

‘We wheeled 30 loads of manure to our plots.’

On the plot
It was very mild in November, up to the 18th when it got colder for a few days with night frosts, followed by a very wet spell.
The allotment’s annual supply of well-rotted manure from our regular supplier arrived on 28th October – we wheeled our own 30 loads from the bunker on to our plots, where it was spread on to any bare ground as a mulch for the winter.
We also opened up one of the compost heaps and wheeled 19 loads of excellent compost onto one of our plots. We have four heaps – three completed and one to which we are adding new material. Used in rotation, normally each heap takes two to three years before it is ready.
Unusually, we didn’t sow any green manure this autumn – most years we use field beans, triticale, phacelia or buckwheat. Our new seeds for 2025 should arrive in the next fortnight.
Due to the mild conditions up to the middle of the month, there was steady growth on the plot, especially the grass paths, and the weeds had a flush of new seedlings.

Garlic – We planted on 3rd and there was growth visible on 26th.
Fresh vegetables – We’re harvesting as required from the leeks, carrots, parsnip, calabrese, celeriac, celery, beetroot, sprouts and cabbage.
Salads – We love our autumn/winter salads! Fresh from the plot we have red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, winter cress, lambs lettuce, various Oriental mustards, mizuna, spicy leaf mixes, winter radishes and radicchio.
From the store – We’re using potatoes, onions, Crown Prince and Butterfly Winter squashes and the last of the tomatoes are still slowly ripening in the greenhouse.
From the freezer – We have a supply of peas, broad beans, French beans, sweetcorn (off the cob) and runner beans.

If you are interested in an allotment in Sturminster Newton, get in touch on


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