Have yourself a sustainable Christmas


It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year … but it can also be the most wasteful.
As the festive season approaches, it’s worth thinking about how you can make Christmas a bit more sustainable this year. Whether you’re looking for eco-friendly ways to Deck the Halls or find greener ways to do your Christmas wrapping, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s wilder communities officer, Emma Barfoot, has a few tips on getting into the spirit of things to have a Wonderful Christmastime, without (quite literally) costing the earth.


Start the conversation
As household budgets for many remain under pressure, there are things we can all do to be kinder to the planet, reduce the gift-giving pressure and help our pockets at the same time. Sometimes all it takes is a chat with those around us.
It might be about choosing a theme such as buying local, giving homemade or pre-loved presents, agreeing an affordable budget or buying gifts that help good causes.
With a bit of planning and a few conversations, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised to find that those around you are happy (if not relieved!) to jump on board.
Handmade cards and gifts can also be a wonderful way to give to those you care about – but be sure to go glitter-free. Not only does glitter contain harmful microplastics, it also means that cards decorated with it can’t be recycled.

Save on postage and reduce your footprint
Why not send e-cards this year? E-cards are an easy way to reduce your environmental impact, and great for sending last-minute festive greetings. They’re also more cost effective, often free to send. Did you know that Dorset Wildlife Trust provides a selection of e-cards, and you can choose to donate the cost of stamps and cards to help protect Dorset’s wildlife? Take a look!

Share your favourite book
The beautiful thing about books is that, unless they’re new releases, most can be sourced second-hand, with lots of websites dedicated to pre-owned books. You can put a lot of thought into gifting a book and it’s such a meaningful gesture to pass on one of your favourites – your own copy, with or without a handwritten note. Then of course there are e-books, audiobooks and tokens which could all be given as a variety on the bookish theme.

Digital wildlife adoptions
If you’re looking for a gift that gives something back, why not support the work of a charity close to your heart, or a cause that means something to the person you’re buying for? Dorset Wildlife Trust digital wildlife adoptions, which now include a new hedgehog pack, are a great gift idea for nature and wildlife-lovers of all ages, and 100% of your donation goes towards protecting Dorset’s wildlife and wild places.

Cut down on waste
Food waste reaches new levels over Christmas and New Year, and adds tonnes of food that we should have eaten to landfill each year. A part of the planning that’s often forgotten is storing and using up leftovers. In the weeks up to Christmas try to use what meals you have in your freezer in case you need to freeze anything over the festive period. Try not to buy too much, and buy loose rather than packaged wherever possible.


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