Pauline Batstone shares her monthly round up of what’s happening among the town’s collection of community enterprises and events

The Marketplace is the new name for the furniture recycling part of Stur’s quartet of community benefit shops. It’s had a bit of a makeover with new signs in the windows to brighten up the old bank facade.
Not only that, we have some fantastic pieces of newly donated furniture, loads of mirrors, cushions and so many bags – of all types – ready for a new home.
Pop in and see us whenever you are in town and hopefully we will have something you like!
The Boutique is running a March Madness clearance sale – ANY FIVE ITEMS FOR £10!
What a bargain! Come and fill up your bags with lots of fabulous goodies. March Madness will be hapenning until the 15th March.
And if you’re in Stur it’s basically obligatory to go for a potter around the Emporium – it’s tricky to leave without something you definitely didn’t know you needed.

Free school uniform
Upstairs in the Marketplace we have a large selection of pre-loved school uniform all completely FREE OF CHARGE. Please do come and help yourselves – and of course if you have any uniform in good condition that you no longer need, please bring it in to add to our collection.