Category: A Country Living

A binding narrative

Peter Wiltshire learned the art of hand bookbinding from his father. Now, he’s restoring literary treasures in his own Dorset workshop Peter Wiltshire gently lifts...

Dorset’s master of strings

Dorset luthier Jeremy Walsh on listening to the wood, a double bass jigsaw, holding a $15m Stradivarius and Friday night rave music In his self-built...

From farm to festive feast

Tracie Beardsley meets a Dorset farmer gobbling up success by farming free-range turkeys – even some vegetarians are tempted! Mark Chilcott has been thinking about...

Dorset’s keeper of the past

Rob Gray: history-loving boy, former precious painting courier and now Wimborne’s museum curator cataloguing 40,000 pieces of Dorset’s past Rob Gray is squirrelled away in...

The 46-year tractor ride

Tracie Beardsley catches up with C&O’s Matthew Holland - in between him selling tractors, fighting fires, making honey and selling cider! When the excited 16-year-old...

The man who reads the stones

The art of dry stone walling: master craftsman Tom Trouton talks to Tracie Beardsley about finding a stone’s timeless connection to the landscape Tom Trouton...


Weaning a Thoroughbred Foal

It’s September, and the first lot of early foals born in February and March have turned five months and are weaned and roaming their...

How do we prep for a holiday?

A local expert from Citizen’s Advice provides timely tips on consumer issues. Q: We’re planning a summer getaway to Greece and I’m worried we’ll forget...

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