Category: News

Famous French cattle at home in the Blackmore Vale

SHARP-eyed walkers or motorists on the C13 Shaftesbury to Blandford road may have spotted some handsome, light tan cattle grazing in the fields overlooking...

Share your Family Announcements for free!

We decided that for the first edition, ALL personal Births, Deaths & Marriage Announcements are FREE!Obviously the Blackmore Vale area has had no over-arching...

Share Your Local ‘COVID19 Thank You’

Whew - 2020 has been a year like no other, hasn't it? And of course here in North Dorset we were lacking a local...

Dorset Dream Becomes Reality for UK’s Pioneering Conservation Charity

The long cherished Dorset Dream of pioneering conservation farmer Robin Page this month becomes reality as the Countryside Restoration Trust completes the most significant...

About the new Digital Blackmore Vale

We've naturally been getting a lot of questions. So, here's where we are: We're the fresh, new, independent magazine for the Blackmore Vale. No...

The Blackmore Vale’s new Digital Magazine.

Is the Blackmore Vale Magazine still being published? No, it's not. But all is not lost for those of us who live in the...


Chris Wald’s insider’s guide to Team Tizzard at Cheltenham

We have been so lucky to finally enjoy some spring-like weather over the last couple of weeks – it always comes as a welcome...

Learning Mentor required by Future Roots

Based in rural West Dorset, Future Roots is a well-established provider of complimentary education and re-engagement services for children and young people. Working with...

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