Category: Book Corner

Christmas gift buying needn’t be stressful!

Christmas gift buying needn’t be stressful!As always there are a wonderful range of book ideas that make perfect presents – I’ve rounded up some...

Christmas for enquiring young minds | Book Corner

This month Wayne recommends two books that would be perfect for Christmas for enquiring young mindsUnstoppable Us How Humans Took over the World(£20, age...

The life and work of a print maker

Wild Light - A printmaker’s day and nightby Angela Harding (£25)With more than 70 original illustrations, printmaker Angela Harding invites you to look at...

Baden Powell – the Boy Scout who never wanted to grow up

In her open-minded new biography, Dorset journalist Lorraine Gibson unearths fascinating insights into the complex character of Robert Baden-Powellfounder of the Boy Scouts. However,...

Talk and signing with Peter James

Join Wayne for a fascinating event to celebrate his explosive new novel Picture You Dead, the latest Roy Grace thriller from the number one...

Summer really has begun!

Summer really has begun! If you have decided to avoid airport stress and spend some time in the garden reading (or indeed to brave...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance celebrates 25 years of saving lives

From farm accidents to heart attacks … here are the stories of some of the many people who owe everything to the ‘hospital in...

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