Category: Dorset community news

The tensions behind the ‘pretty’ façade of Dorset’s villages

Yetminster is in the Sunday Times’ Top 50 Villages, but not everyone is happy about newcomers pushing-up house prices, says Paul Birbeck The Sunday Times...

Coffee and punctures Tales from the Vale

Coffee and punctures Great new coffee house in King’s Stag attached to the Green Man pub with an attractive almost Scandi-minimally-decorated interior. I was going to...

Fighting for (or with!) our footpaths

My husband looks more like Indiana Jones than a rural dog walker, always armed with secateurs to hack back bully-boy brambles and nettles or...

Free festival to showcase Dorset’s bright digital future

How will learning change for our children in the digital age? How is tourism reinventing itself? How could technology help improve wellbeing and independence?...

Meet Your Local Shop (you’re eating all the pies)

Discover the faces and stories inside the village shop. This month we’ve been chatting to David Fawthrop who runs the Chettle Village store. How did...

Off with his head | Tales from the Vale

The slow escape Big hoo-ha in Mappowder: a tortoise has gone missing (easily identifiable – it’s wearing a shell suit) which led my wife to...


Bucked in the Yarn

Three small Somerset villages had a huge impact on global exploration and trade – Rachael Rowe talks to Professor Terry Stevens “Nothing much ever happened...

Charles Church, master of the equestrian portrait

From washing dishes in Newmarket to Royal commissions, leading equestrian artist Charles Church answers the 19 random questions Interview by Sally Cooper Charles Church’s reputation as...

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