Category: Dorset community news

Gillingham’s new inflatable play world inside the old Legends building is set to open in July, and the name has offically been declared as...

Well, after five months of planning and then long hours stripping out the old Legends nightclub, we are getting closer to opening Gillingham’s biggest...

Event Cancelled

A local expert from Citizen’s Advice provides timely tips on consumer issues. This Month: what happens if surprise new restrictions mean events I’ve booked...

I am an artist – I must suffer for my art | Tales from the Vale

I live in Mappowder. And I’m a guitar teacher (I know, not two sentences that you’ll have read before in close proximity, I’d guess)....

Sheds, garages, heating oil … all in a night’s work for local thieves

Monthly updates from the various North Dorset Police Teams. This month’s news from Gillingham’s PCSO Vicky Biggs.Gillingham’s team have seen a rise in thefts...

Do you know where your nearest defibrillators are?

This month’s news from the unofficial capital of the Blackmore Vale Sturminster Newton ...If a defibrillator is ever needed, it must be used fast,...

The broccoli war! Tales From The Vale

There are news headlines pointing out absurdities in our world that frequently make me laugh.A while ago I turned on the radio and heard...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

On the Ukrainian road to recovery – an update from Eddy in Kyiv

While delivering humanitarian aid in Ukraine, Eddy Scott from Shaftesbury suffered major injuries during a drone attack‘It’s the people that make this country. They...

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