Category: Dorset Farming

Farming for a living? | Farm Tales

From petty customer theft to competing with the mega dairies, small farms are fighting against the tide to run a successful business, says Andrew...

Not all dairy farmers… | Voice of a farmer

The community impact of Eunice, that Panorama documentary, and the government’s drive for rewilding - James Cossins muses on a busy few weeks.Here at...

The names we farmers get called… | Farm Tales

...are often predictable and not always flattering. But a new term has appeared which reflects modern green thinking, says Andrew Livingston.Farmers get called a...

Keeping poultry can be ‘fowl’ through winter bird flu season | Voice of a Farmer

A surge in people keeping their own poultry during the lock-down egg shortage could be why ‘bird flu’ is spreading from wild to domestic...

George Hosford: Always adapting, always learning

Louise Stratton interviews George Hosford, Dorset NFU County Chair, and discusses poppies, worms and the excitement of school visits.Our Dorset NFU County Chairman is...

The future of our food is… bugs (yes, really!) | Farm Tales

Shocking as it may sound, insects will prove the path to sustainable food stocks, argues Dorset farmer and writer Andrew Livingston.This new year means...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

Head Housekeeper required | PLUMBER  MANOR Hotel at Sturminster Newton

PLUMBER  MANOR  hotel at Sturminster Newton requires a Head Housekeeper for 5 mornings a week (including some weekend work).8am-12.30pm but hours are variable depending...

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