Category: Dorset Farming

But what has the NFU done for you?

Helping farmers to produce the food we needUnlike any other industry, everyone has a connection with farming. Why? Because the food you eat has...

Voice of a Farmer | September 2021

The first three weeks of August were particularily challenging in getting this years harvest underway. With a considerable lack of sunshine and crops slow...

Agriculture Deemed the Most Dangerous Industry

It is an unfortunate fact that of all the major industrial industries, agriculture is the most dangerous with fatalities being around 20 times higher...

New Dorset Crop Circle in Blandford Forum

Hot on the heels of the Dorset crop circle that appeared on Okeford Hill a few weeks ago, a stunning new design has appeared...

Pepper, is he worth the salt?

What’s your favourite brand promise? ’No tears’, ‘melts in your mouth, not in your hand’ and ‘gives you wings’ are pretty synonymous with some...

Voice of a Farmer | August 2021

We finally started our cereal harvest in July after being a week or two late. Our first crop to harvest is the winter barley...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

Head Housekeeper required | PLUMBER  MANOR Hotel at Sturminster Newton

PLUMBER  MANOR  hotel at Sturminster Newton requires a Head Housekeeper for 5 mornings a week (including some weekend work).8am-12.30pm but hours are variable depending...

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