Category: Dorset Farming

It’s Eggism

When I began writing for The Blackmore Vale, I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t talk about chickens every month - I have enough abuse...

Voice of the Farmer | May 2021

The main topic of conversation in the UK farming world at the moment has been tha lack of rain this spring with virtually no...

Chooks in Lockdown

After three and a half months of their own lockdown, poultry birds across the country on the 1st of April were allowed to finally...

Voice of the Farmer | April 2021

The Farming ViewThe month of March has been very productive at Rawston, with most  of the spring planting completed. Spring beans have been sown providing...

The Girls at Westleaze

Despite the job description on my contract with Westleaze Farm stating ‘Assistant Avian Production Manager’, working on a family-run farm means that you have...

Voice of the Farmer | March 2021

I think most Farmers, Growers and Gardeners will be glad to see the back of February . We again seem to have had the...


Chris Wald’s insider’s guide to Team Tizzard at Cheltenham

We have been so lucky to finally enjoy some spring-like weather over the last couple of weeks – it always comes as a welcome...

Head Housekeeper required | PLUMBER  MANOR Hotel at Sturminster Newton

PLUMBER  MANOR  hotel at Sturminster Newton requires a Head Housekeeper for 5 mornings a week (including some weekend work).8am-12.30pm but hours are variable depending...

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