Category: Dorset Politics

P&O join the householdbrand ‘race to the bottom’

It is the power imbalance which allows giant brands to mistreat their staff, says Labour’s Pat Osborne.P&O Ferries sacked 800 staff without notice by...

Amid the images of disaster, we see the rise of human spirit | Simon Hoare MP

As we watch the atrocities being committed in Ukraine, Simon Hoare MP praises the communities who have risen up in swift action to provide...

What kind of ‘follower’ are you?

Most of us are ‘followers’, according to socioligists, and these fall into five categories. But only one is the most effective, argues North Dorset...

Heat our homes, not our planet

The word millionaire is an abscenity when so many are literally having to choose between eating and heating argues the Green Party’s Ken Huggins.The...

No troops on the ground, but is there more to do?

Why have we closed the door to the Ukrainian refugeees?, asks Labour’s Pat OsbornePeople in North Dorset, especially the families of British service men...

Dorset’s ‘shocking’ housing statistics

One in 34 houses are second homes, that’s three times the national average, says the Green Party’s Ken Huggins who proposes radical solutions.When the...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

Classroom Teacher – Full-time and Part-time Opportunities. MPS/UPS + 1 SEN

September 2025 or potentially earlier                                          Fairmead School, Mudford Road, Yeovil, Somerset.  BA21 4NZTelephone:  01935 421295Age Range:  4 – 19 Years‘This is a Good School’– Ofsted...

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