Category: Dorset sport

Scramble ace ‘Badger’ Goss dies aged 80 | Bryan Badger Goss Obituary

Tributes have been pouring onto social media following the death on January 6 of Blackmore Vale motocross legend Bryan ‘Badger’ Goss. He was 80. Bryan...


BHS Dorset Pleasure Ride

In aid of the BHS Ride Pleasure Ride Out UK Fund Sunday 10 September9:30am - 11.30amMagiston FarmSydling St NicholasDorchester, DT2 9NR Advance booking£20 Adults - £10...

Meat tax, tofu tyranny

The climate change committee wants us to eat a lot less meat, but Andrew Livingston isn’t confident the public will stomach the idea Last week,...

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