Category: Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show

It’s a scramble for the best egg

How do you spot a good egg? Rachael Rowe has been speaking to judge Paul Tory to find out what makes some eggs hard...

The world of showing cattle

One of the most competitive places on the Turnpike Showground is the cattle showing ring – Andrew Livingston explains whyIt may seem strange to...

BV Dairy, looking after the cows

The best quality milk comes from local, healthy and happy cows, believes the third generation dairy in ShaftesburyBV Dairy was established in 1958 and...

When ewe go in for a trim

Matt Cradock, local sheep farmer and chairman of the G&S Show’s sheep section, discusses the sheep of things to come with Andrew LivingstonFor the...

What not to miss this year

The 2022 G&S Show is bigger than ever - and alongside some exciting new attractions, there’s a return of a much-missed old favouriteThe Grand...

‘Just go away’ – Giles Simpson is the G&S Dorset Island Discs castaway

Farmer, agronomist, chairman of the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, and fan of Magnums, Giles Simpson shares the soundtrack of his life with Laura HitchcockGiles...


Chris Wald’s insider’s guide to Team Tizzard at Cheltenham

We have been so lucky to finally enjoy some spring-like weather over the last couple of weeks – it always comes as a welcome...

March issue is HERE!

In a remarkable interview, Rachael Rowe spoke to Eddy Scott in Kyiv about his road to recovery – and how he’d do it all...

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