Category: Letters & announcements
Letters to the editor of the BV magazine – the postbox is always open!
Plus all community and perosnal announcemenmts published in the BV magazine.
Letters & announcements
Letters to the Editor May 2023
I write this at 3:44am Friday morning. I sat down here at my desk 22 hours ago, well prepared for the monthly ‘pre-publication day...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the Editor April 2023
LETTER FROM THE EDITORIs it just me, or does March seem to have been just one step too far? We weathered the winter with...
Letters & announcements
Happy 5lst Anniversaryto Steve and Jenny Tume!
Happy 5lst Anniversary to Steve and Jenny Tume!Brilliant grandparents, parents and lively dancers still together after all these turbulent years. X X
Letters & announcements
Leters to the Editor March 2023
From the editor...Today I popped down the garden, and paused for a second. There it was. That inescapable, inevitable scent on the wind. Spring....
Letters & announcements
Letters to the Editor February 2023
Want to reply? Read something you feel needs commenting on? Our postbag is open! Please send emails to writing, please include your full...
Dorset Charity
Letters to the Editor January 2023
Want to reply? Read something you feel needs commenting on? Our postbag is open! Please send emails to writing, please include your full...
Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two
Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...
Stranded: Dorset is one of the worst in the country
Among the worst-served areas for rural transport, a House of Commons inquiry hears that failing bus networks are widening social inequality.For rural Dorset, public...
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