Category: Letters & announcements
Letters to the editor of the BV magazine – the postbox is always open!
Plus all community and perosnal announcemenmts published in the BV magazine.
Letters & announcements
Barbara Griffin | Message of Thanks
The Family would like to say 'Thank you' to all friends and family for cards and messages of sympathy, and for donations to the...
Dorset Charity
Letters to the BV Editor December 2022
Castle Hill ClosureI’m writing on behalf of the Trustees of Cedars Castle Hill to confirm that we’ve reluctantly concluded we have to close Castle...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor November 2022
On RamblersThis weekend I passed a group of what I took to be a group of ramblers - 12 or so people of retirement...
Dorset Charity
Letters to the BV Editor October 2022
On Patricia MillerWhat a fantastic ‘Dorset Island Discs’ this month (‘The NHS has lost its way’, Sep 22)! The column is always an enjoyable...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor September 2022
The energy billIs there any help on the horizon to mitigate the energy bills? How do we survive?I literally don’t know.My contract just came...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor July 2022
The case of the sea eagleThe decision to close the investigation into the poisoned sea eagle by Dorset police, despite finding high levels of...
Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two
Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...
A very boring podcast (that isn’t)
Do you know what's tricky? Making three deeply interesting interviews sound like they're worth your time, when they're about 'eating healthily, loans for home...
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