Category: Letters & announcements
Letters to the editor of the BV magazine – the postbox is always open!
Plus all community and perosnal announcemenmts published in the BV magazine.
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor May 2022
Thank you, GillinghamI would like to send my sincere thanks to three very kind Gillingham people.On Wednesday morning 6 April I was cycling along...
Dorset Charity
Letters to the BV Editor April 2022
We find ourselves in such troubling times of late. What is - for want of a better word - fascinating to me are the...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor March 2022
On Mr Loder & the sea eagleI, like so many others, was shocked and appalled by our MP Chris Loder’s comments on social media...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor February 2022
That anti vax letterI wonder if you bothered to take a look at the web link at the end of Roger Guttridge’s anti-vax letter...
Dorset Charity
Letters to the BV Editor January 2022
The slow painful death-by-visitorIt is particularly apparent in winter when driving through villages after dark, just how much of our housing stock is used...
Letters & announcements
Letters to the BV Editor December 2021
I am writing, I’m afraid to say, with a complaint: I have very much missed the column from Vineyards in the last couple of...
Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two
Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...
Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two
Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...
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