Category: Tales from the Vale

The nation’s new diet | Tales from the Vale

It is September 1939 and a young girl, around 12 years old, is hushed while the family gathers in the kitchen: ‘there’s an important...

I am an artist – I must suffer for my art | Tales from the Vale

I live in Mappowder. And I’m a guitar teacher (I know, not two sentences that you’ll have read before in close proximity, I’d guess)....

The broccoli war! Tales From The Vale

There are news headlines pointing out absurdities in our world that frequently make me laugh.A while ago I turned on the radio and heard...

Secrets and Lies | Tales from the Vale

Secrets and lies It is a universally acknowledged truth that excited young boys cannot keep a secret.When we first moved into the village, a delightful...

A sticky moment | Tales From The Vale

A sticky moment Right, the Editor’s asked me to put something funny in this issue. ‘Our 12,000 subscribers will be a bit down as we...

Stairway to Heaven | Tales From The Vale

A young girl grows Among the students to whom I teach the guitar is a 10 year old called Laura. She is an utter delight. Laura...


Preventing crashes, saving lives

A Dorset consultant on his DocBike leads the fight against motorcycle accidents across the UK – with action, data, education and innovation Struck by the...

Local talent and brilliant books

Everyone knows The BV is awash with talent. But these five contributors have all produced gift-worthy books we can’t help but shout about We’re always...

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