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Fluffy pancakes

Images: Heather Brown

I’ve always been intrigued by the super-fluffy, almost soufflé-like pancakes that grace my social media pages, and have been on a quest to try to replicate something similar in my home kitchen – albeit in a much simpler fashion.
These fluffy pancakes aren’t quite as complicated to make as some, but the result is a wonderfully light, almost melt-in-your-mouth pancake, perfect for some delicious golden syrup or fresh fruit and cream.
I have used lime juice here for some acidity, but you can use lemon juice if you prefer. You also need a frying pan with a lid – if you don’t have one, just make a temporary one by using a baking tray instead! Heather x


(makes 10 pancakes)

  • 4 eggs, separated.
  • 4 heaped tbsp caster sugar
  • 1tsp lime juice
  • 140g plain flour (I used 00 flour)
  • 1 level tsp of baking powder
  • 120ml milk
  • 20g butter, melted
  • Pinch salt
Images: Heather Brown


  1. In a large bowl, mix together egg yolks, salt, flour, baking powder, milk and butter until really well combined (no lumps).
  2. With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until they start to get really frothy. Add the lime juice and keep whisking. Gradually pour in the caster sugar while the egg whites are whisking, until all the sugar has been incorporated. Keep whisking until the meringue mixture has soft peaks and more or less holds its shape.
  3. Carefully begin to fold a third of the egg white mixture into the rest of the ingredients in your bowl. Stir gently to keep as much air as possible. Repeat twice with the remaining two-thirds until all the egg white mixture has been stirred in.
  4. Heat your frying pan over a medium heat. Spray a little oil on the bottom of the pan and wait for it to start to bubble on the surface. It is worth waiting here until your pan is ready – but it doesn’t want to be so hot it scorches the mixture before cooking the middle. Using a ladle or deep spoon, spoon your pancake mixture into the frying pan. I have a large frying pan, and I made three pancakes at a time: adjust that number to your size pan.
  5. Add a few drops of water onto the remaining pan surface and pop a lid onto the frying pan. The water will create steam which helps to cook the top while the bottom browns. Wait for at least two minutes.
  6. Carefully lift the lid and check gently with a spatula that the bottom of the pancakes are not stuck (they will naturally loosen when ready to flip). Before turning the pancakes over, pour a tablespoon of the mixture onto the top of the pancake. Flip over the pancakes, replace the lid and cook for a further 1-2 minutes until both side of the pancake are brown.
  7. Repeat this process for the remaining pancake mixture. As always with pancakes you can serve straight from the pan, or keep them warm and serve in a stack

Beavers, Floods and Poo – February’s BV Podcast


In this first BV Podcast of February 2025, hosts Terry Bennett and Jenny Devitt dive into some of the bigger issues from February’s BV – from controversial beaver reintroductions to flood management. While the anonymous parish councillor known only as the Dorset Insider has a few things to say about dog fouling.

Political Perspectives: Climate Bills, Economic Growth, and Local Voices

As always in Episode 1 of the month, Dorset’s political voices take the stage:

  • Simon Hoare, MP for North Dorset, tackles the loss of local bank branches, condemns night parking charges, and raises alarm over Gen Z’s shifting views on democracy.
  • Ken Huggins of the Green Party criticizes the government’s stalling on the Climate and Nature Bill, urging for bolder climate action and citizen involvement.
  • Gary Jackson of the Lib Dems argues that economic growth requires consistency and strategy, not political slogans.
  • Edward Morello, MP for West Dorset, praises the resilience of rural high streets while highlighting the need for fairer business rates and better local support.

“Democracy is only safe if each generation understands its value. We need to protect it—before it’s too late.”Simon Hoare

The Beaver Debate: Environmental Hero or Farming Menace?

Dorset farmer George Hosford returns to share his balanced perspective on the controversial reintroduction of beavers. He explores their potential to reduce flooding and filter water, but also raises concerns about the impact on productive farmland.

“If beavers are going to grow in number, we really need a way of managing them. Otherwise, we’re just creating conflict between conservationists and farmers.”George Hosford

He stresses the importance of finding a sensible middle ground, where beavers can be part of the solution without threatening farmers’ livelihoods.

Dorset Insider: Who Let the Dogs Out?

This month’s Dorset Insider column tackles the ever-present problem of dog fouling. The anonymous parish councillor humourously – and candidly – explores the challenges of keeping public spaces clean, calling for:
Stricter penalties and enforcement
More bins and better waste management
A culture change in responsible dog ownership

“If you step in it, you’re not just unlucky – you’re part of a village-wide epidemic. We need to get serious about dog fouling.” 

Your Letters: Night Parking, Festive Gonks, and Violins

BV readers weigh in night parking charges – seen as a threat to local hospitality and community life. The controversy over the Christmas gonks rumbled on, sparking debate about inclusivity and tradition. And last month’s feature on a local violin maker gave us a wonderful snapshot of memories from a retired violinist.

These interviews were based on articles found in February’s BV, which can be read here … grab a coffee and jump in to the Dorset-ness. News, opinion, people, wildlife, art, farming, what’s on, horses … and frankly stunning photography.

Did we mention it’s FREE?

The BV is Dorset’s go-to magazine – named ‘Best Regional Publication in the UK’ (ACE Awards) and ‘Regional News Site of the Year’ (Press Gazette) in 2024. Brimming with Dorset’s people and places, it’s too good to miss!

Farming’s future needs more than a freebie


Andrew Livingston says LAMMA revealed more than just the latest tech, and takes a look at government land grabs and vertical farming

LAMMA 2025

If you are a farmer and you like your tractors and your tech, then you probably make a yearly pilgrimage, braving the motorways to visit LAMMA.
The show – the Lincolnshire Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Association – is held in Birmingham’s NEC every year, and features all the latest farmyard equipment (all there and ready for you to buy … if you have a big enough bank loan!)
More than 40,000 people visited the show over the two days in January and this year, I was lucky enough to be one of them.
Yes, I have first-hand experience, and yes, I can confirm that the mullet is still the most popular haircut of choice among the farming fraternity. And no, Schöffels’ stock price won’t be crashing anytime soon.
LAMMA boasts it is the UK’s premier farm machinery show … and after finally seeing it for myself, I can’t disagree. Anyone who is anyone either had a stand trying to sell or was browsing the market to buy. I was minding my own business when some old codger and a mullet walked past me: I only realised it was Jeremy Clarkson and Kaleb Cooper when, in their wake, along came the Amazon film crew, barrelling and barging to stick with the two famous farmers.
Thankfully, I did have my senses about me when NFU President Tom Bradshaw walked past me. Always looking for a claim to fame, I stopped him, shook his hand and thanked him for everything he has done to fight agriculture’s corner over the last few months.

Free hats
A lot of people walked through the halls of the NEC – but the majority weren’t dipping into their pockets. No one was buying. It just isn’t the climate to be purchasing new machinery – people simply don’t have the funds to invest back into the farm.
That was always going to be the case.
But more interesting to me was that it wasn’t just the farmers that were feeling the pinch. The consensus walking around the halls was that “there weren’t as many freebies this year”.
Obviously, we aren’t talking about free combine harvesters, but it seems the marketing budget for the exhibitors is starting to tighten. There were definitely not as many free hats or novelty pens to be handed around (Not to brag, but I got a free can of WD-40).
Worst of all, I saw exhibitors refusing to give freebies to the kids wandering the stalls … now this was wrong! A friend of mine told me that his son was refused a hat from a certain tractor manufacturer because they were ‘reserving them for potential buying customers.’
Seriously? How short-sighted can you get? In a fiercely competitive market, brand loyalty is everything. And where does that loyalty start? Not in a showroom, but in the fields, on the farms … and often in the minds of the next generation.
That hat wasn’t just a freebie – it was a chance to win over a future customer. The kid wearing it today could be the farmer making six-figure machinery purchases tomorrow.
A little goodwill now could mean a lifetime of business down the road. I’d bet a decent tractor that a branded cap on the right head is worth far more than its weight in marketing gold.
Despite what Rachel Reeves and the Labour government think, farming is a family matter – and the future of farming is already dreaming of his or her first piece of kit.
I just hope he’ll still have a farm to use it on.

State-of-the-art hydroponic vertical farm

Food vs climate again
I am starting to feel like a broken record. Once again, the climate/food production debate is back in the mainstream media, as a Government consultation announced last week that nearly a fifth of farming land needs to be ‘repurposed’ to meet climate requirements set for 2050.
It is suggested that nine per cent of land must be removed from food production to create woodlands and other natural habitats. Considering DEFRA’s figures from 2023, which state that the UK is only 62% self-sufficient in food production, this is a worrying request.
At the moment, this is just the Government suggesting ideas for farmers to follow – think of it as ‘guidance’. But, how close will we get to 2050 before the Government suddenly gets terrified of the pending LEGAL climate requirements?
It was this time last year that the devolved powers of Wales tried to suggest mandatory tree planting on Welsh farms.
The farmers didn’t take it well.
It led to protests and the Welsh Government did the classic, “Oh it’s only an idea! We weren’t ever going to really do that!”
I suspect that the Labour government – which, if you hadn’t heard, is not the number one party with the farming community – has learned from the Wales disaster and has decided to throw a pebble in the water to see how big the splash is.
The one positive that will come from this consultation is that it will fully deter our current government from taking away farming land to build houses … well, you would hope it would?

Going up
If the Government wants to start giving more land back to rewilding, that’s fine. But if this country doesn’t want to start importing more of the food we eat, the Government has to put more money into the research and development of innovative farming practices.
It is possible to farm in a smaller space – maybe not your cows and pigs, we always have to consider animal welfare – but vertical indoor farming is possible, and in fact is already being utilised for the growing of flowers, vegetables and insects.
The controlled environment makes it a far more sustainable, productive and efficient method – in some cases – than traditional farming. With modern technologies like hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics, the notion of the vertical farm appears to have a promising future, particularly in urban areas. More funding given to grow this exciting sector now could be really showing the benefits in 25 years time.
Maybe all these closed bank branches in our rural towns can be turned into productive vertical food-producing hubs. You may think I’m insane, but surely it’s a better use of space than another American café chain. I’ll have a Grande lettuce over a Grande latte any day of the week!

Is it wildlife vs. development?


Imogen Davenport, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s director of nature-based solutions, says good planning can support both homes and nature

Lyscombe Bottom

There has been much discussion in the news about planning and development recently, with the government pledging to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years, expand airports and curb the influence of ‘NIMBYS’ and ‘blockers.’ In our area, housing targets set by the government have doubled for Dorset Council, while Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole face a significant increase on their existing targets.
While we are not opposed to development in the right place, and recognise the need for new housing and economic growth, this must not come at the expense of the natural environment. Dorset Wildlife Trust had already expressed concerns about whether the original targets could be met alongside our local councils’ ambitions to tackle the climate and nature emergencies – let alone the newly- increased targets. The current planning system does not consistently safeguard wildlife from the impacts of development, and, despite the introduction of ‘biodiversity net gain’ last year, much more needs to be done before it delivers meaningful progress for nature’s recovery.
Reform of the system is not unwelcome, but we must only support changes if they genuinely improve outcomes for nature. It is deeply disappointing to see recent rhetoric that blames newts, bats … and local communities … for delays in development. n reality, multiple factors, including market conditions and the capacity of planning departments, affect how quickly a proposal moves from application to completion. There is often a significant lag between permission being granted and construction beginning – current estimates suggest that more than one million approved homes remain unbuilt.

The meadows at KIngcombe

Don’t block, enable
There is no need to create a false conflict between nature and housing. It is entirely possible to design developments that avoid environmental harm. However, wildlife needs the right safeguards and local communities must be able to raise valid concerns. One such safeguard is nutrient neutrality, which has become a political football – some headlines claim it blocks development, while others argue it ‘unlocks’ it. In truth, it mitigates one specific environmental impact of housebuilding.
Systems ensuring nutrient neutrality – such as those that enabled Dorset Wildlife Trust to acquire Wild Woodbury and Lyscombe for nature restoration – allow development to proceed, provided it also meets all other planning and environmental requirements. The first test must always be to avoid harm, preventing poorly located or badly designed developments from going ahead.
Reforming the planning system presents an opportunity to take a transformative approach to development – one that benefits people, the economy and the environment while addressing the climate and ecological crises.
Thoughtfully designed housing that incorporates carbon-reducing technology such as solar panels, green infrastructure and wildlife spaces can deliver significant benefits for nature, communities and the climate. By integrating nature into development, we can create resilient, vibrant places where both people and wildlife thrive.
The UK Government must be as ambitious about nature recovery as it is about housebuilding.
We have legally binding targets to restore 30 per cent of land and sea for nature by 2030. However, the latest report from the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) highlights that, between April 2023 and March 2024, the UK government was largely off track in delivering its 2023 environmental targets, with nature continuing to decline. The report reinforces that good regulation, when effectively applied, is not a blocker but an enabler – ensuring development benefits the environment, people and the economy in the long term.
Abandoning nature protections would be disastrous, particularly as we face worsening floods, storms and record-breaking temperatures. Time and again, evidence has shown that a healthy environment underpins economic growth, providing essential services such as food, clean water and air. Restoring nature and taking bold climate action are the only ways to secure the true foundations of our economy.

Wild Woodbury wetland March 2023 Image: Peter Stone

We urge the government and local planning authorities to ensure that housing targets are not met at nature’s expense. Development and environmental stewardship must go hand in hand to build resilient communities that benefit both people and wildlife.
We all have a role to play in protecting our local environment. Write to your MP today to voice concerns about poorly planned development and its impact on nature, people and the climate. Advocate for sustainable solutions that protect wildlife, enhance green spaces and support local councils in tackling the climate and nature emergencies. Time and again, local interventions – and the involvement of MPs – have influenced decisions and shaped better designs that allow nature to thrive.

Four horses, eight tests


It had seemed like such a good plan, but somewhere between tests two and eight, Jess Rimmer started questioning her life choices …

Hello BV! January has absolutely flown by, which is quite refreshing after the seemingly never-ending darkness that was December. The horses are getting fitter all the time, meaning we’ve been able to get a little more stuck in with the training for the 2025 event season. They have all just started jumping in the arena, as well as doing their first bits of steady canter work on the gallops. My goodness, does it feel good to be back actually doing stuff again!
Now, I think it’s become quite apparent that I would pick cross-country as my favourite discipline without a second thought.
However, until the ground dries up and the horses get fit enough for their pre-season cross-country training, it’s all about the dressage and showjumping (yawn!). Showjumping shows do make for a nice day out, and I usually get my adrenaline fix in the form of a jump-off or two.
I’ll be honest, it also helps that our most local venue, Dorset Showground, is right opposite the absolute best service station in the West Country!
Dressage, on the other hand … When I tell you I don’t know what was going through my head when I entered not two, not three, but eight (EIGHT, Jess?) dressage tests at Moreton last weekend, I mean it. On paper it seemed like such a good idea – I just thought “hey, if I’m taking one horse, I might as well take them all, it’ll be good practice.” And although I still say that it was good practice for everyone, I did slightly rethink my choices as I gazed longingly at my fellow competitors leaving with their rosettes and cheesy chips, me having completed only my second test out of eight.

Jess Rimmer warming up with Jimmy All images: Courtenay Hitchcock

Me, me, me … and also me
Moreton does a brilliant class for us eventers as part of their unaffiliated dressage show, where we can enter and pick any British Eventing dressage test we like for each horse. This is great, as British Dressage tests run a different routine from the Eventing ones, so this class enables us to practice the exact movements we’ll be doing throughout the coming event season. However … it meant there were nine entries in the class – and I was eight of them! I entered Jimmy, Max, Elsa and Henry for two tests each. Not content with competing against each other, they were also going to compete against themselves!

‘Jimmy must have been a Hollywood film star in a previous life. He just pricks his ears at the judge, and says “Everybody! Watch me!” … despite being the youngest, least experienced and gangliest horse of the bunch’

Four tests
First up was Max, who was incredibly pleased to be out and about. He is such a smart mover and has come out so much stronger this year, so I was excited to take him down the centre line for the first time. All in all, he was a good boy – but when he gets excited, it’s a bit like he’s put a pair of Ultra-HD goggles on – he sees literally everything in super high definition. He has definitely NEVER seen his own reflection in the judges’ box before, and who on EARTH put that flower pot there? Max quickly overcame his “fears” (as he claimed they were, with a smirk on his face), and produced some quality work to get the ball rolling.
Next up was Henry, who, as we know, often puts his head in the sand (like an ostrich) under pressure. I was so proud of him! He stayed much more confident throughout his test, and was rewarded with some great marks. Although if you ask him, the whole experience would have been much better if Jimmy could have accompanied him throughout.

A little Jimmy side-eye, just to be sure we’re still watching

Speaking of Jimmy … I think this horse was a Hollywood film star in a previous life. He just turns down that centre line, pricks his ears at the judge, and says “Everybody! Watch me! This is going to be the best test anyone has ever see-e-een!” –
entertaining, when you consider he is the youngest, least experienced and definitely the gangliest horse of the whole bunch.
Last, but certainly not least, was Princess Elsa. She thought Christmas had come early (or late?!) and was just SO pleased to be there. I do have a sneaky feeling she’s been there for the jumping shows more frequently than the pure dressage … but she completed both her tests with a happy grin on her face nonetheless. Although I did have to remind her that, unlike jumping, dressage is not supposed to be against the clock!

Jimmy turns down that centre line, pricks his ears, and says “This is going to be the best test anyone has ever see-e-en”

And so, without further ado – the final placings … drum roll please …
Nah. I’ll leave that for you to decide. The results just weren’t particularly relevant on this occasion. For a first outing, I’m really pleased with all four of them: they all demonstrated improvement in their own way, and – most importantly to me – they were SO happy to be back out competing!
As was I.
Or maybe I was just pleased to get my cheesy chips at the end of the day …

Can I get carer’s allowance?


A local expert from Citizen’s Advice provides timely tips on consumer issues.

Q: ‘I have had to give up work to look after my partner. Can I claim the Carer’s Allowance now?’

A: Carer’s Allowance is a benefit for people who give regular and substantial care to disabled people. Carer’s Allowance is a taxable benefit and forms part of your taxable income.
You can usually get Carer’s Allowance if all of the following apply:

  • you’re aged 16 or over
  • you’re not in full time education
  • you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a disabled person
  • you don’t earn more than £151 a week from employment or self-employment

The person you’re caring for must get a ‘qualifying benefit’. These include:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • the middle or highest rate of the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment

You’ll get less or no Carer’s Allowance if you get some other benefits including:
state retirement pension

  • state retirement pension
  • contributory ESA
  • contribution-based JSA
  • Maternity Allowance

help from your nearest Citizens Advice. If you get any means-tested benefits (eg universal credit), Carer’s Allowance counts as income when these benefits are worked out.
If the person you’re caring for gets a benefit with a Severe Disability Premium/Addition, this premium/addition will cease if you claim Carer’s Allowance. The other person should contact the DWP or their local council to let them know you’re getting Carer’s Allowance. Always check with the person you’re caring for before you apply for Carer’s Allowance because you might cause their income to be reduced.

To make a claim for Carer’s Allowance you can:

If you need help making your claim, contact the Carer’s Allowance Unit:
Telephone: 0800 731 0297
Textphone: 0800 731 0317
Your claim can be backdated for up to three months if you were eligible.

  • If disability benefits stop for the person you’re caring for, you must contact the DWP to let them know that the person’s disability benefits have stopped. If you don’t let the DWP know, you may incur an overpayment, which could incur a civil penalty.

Grand National hopes and bargain buys


From winter floods to first past the post, Chris Wald sees perseverance paying off as the Tizzard team looks ahead to Cheltenham and Aintree

The Messenger family had gone seven years without a winner until last season: Pedley Wood has now won four of his last eight races

We had to wait until 16th January for our first winner of the New Year, when I Shut That D’or won a handicap chase at Hereford. This was largely down to the number of meetings that were either rained, frozen or snowed off. It felt good to get off the mark for 2025.
I Shut That D’or was a bargain buy at the start of the season for Derrick and Susan Maize and his form reads 1-2-1-1 since they bought him, proving you don’t always have to spend a fortune to get results and have some fun in horse racing.
Having been frozen off twice already, the final of the Veteran’s series was eventually run at Market Rasen. Copperhead made the long journey worthwhile, making all (leading from the front) to secure the most valuable prize of the season. He now holds an entry in the Aintree Grand National in April.
At the risk of sounding like a weather report, January ended pretty much the way it had begun – with Storm Eowyn causing havoc.

Storm Eowyn blew a tree down, blocking the road to the gallops

The floods made life difficult for everyone, but luckily most of the staff were able to find a way in to work. I was unable to get out of the road from my house for two days but thankfully, after a lift through the flood on a telehandler, I was able to jump in with Sophie who passes by en route to the yard. A fallen tree was also blocking the road we ride down to get to the gallops, but this was swiftly removed by Krystov who works on the farm.

Images of the Tizzard horses on the gallops © Courtenay Hitchcock

Patience pays off
Luckily the rain finally relented and Wincanton passed a couple of inspections to get its meeting on at the end of the month. Bobbi With An I won a Mares’ Novice Hurdle, only six weeks after being purchased from the Cheltenham Sales. She looks an exciting prospect. And then Pedley Wood followed up his Boxing Day win to win the Dick Hunt trophy. His part owners, the Messenger family, always have one horse in training and had gone seven years without a winner until last season, but Pedley Wood has now won four of his last eight races. Good things come to those who wait!
With January finally behind us we are looking forward to what will hopefully be a really strong spring campaign.

© Courtenay Hitchcock

The first weekend in February we have some exciting runners, including JPR One in the Game Spirit Chase at Newbury on Saturday 8th and Alexei in a Listed Novice Hurdle at Exeter on Sunday 9th – both horses who have targets at the Cheltenham Festival.

Spetisbury | Then & Now


Step back in time with our ‘Then and Now’ feature, where vintage postcards from the Barry Cuff Collection meet modern-day reality. Explore the past and present on the same page, and see the evolution of familiar local places. ‘Now’ images by Courtenay Hitchcock

The name of the village is Anglo-Saxon, meaning ‘the ancient earthwork frequented by the green woodpecker’ – from the Old English ‘speht’ or ‘speoht’ for woodpecker, and ‘burgh’ or ‘byrig’ for earthwork, referring to Spetisbury Rings (sometimes Crawford Castle), the Iron Age fort above the village
A fire at the village bakery demolished a row of thatched cottages in 1905. Before fire engines from Blandford and Wimborne could help, the neighbouring cottages and those across the road were also ablaze.
The village still has a quirky house numbering system, thanks to its majority 19th century landowners, the Drax family, who only numbered the buildings owned by the estate

Both of the original postcards were posted in the 1940s. The Railway Inn on the right closed in 1986 – in its heyday it was a popular spot for local railway workers (the old railway line ran parallel to the road, behind and above the row of houses on the left of the image).

Sponsored by The Museum of East Dorset

Free wildlife events for teens in Poole Harbour


Dorset-based charity Birds of Poole Harbour has partnered with the Cameron Bespolka Trust to launch a Young Birders Club, offering free monthly events throughout 2025 to inspire teenagers with wildlife and conservation.
From boat trips and bird ringing demonstrations to ID courses and conservation talks, the programme aims to showcase Poole Harbour’s vital role in nature recovery while building a community of young conservationists. Participants will have the chance to spot species such as White-tailed Eagles, Ospreys, Spoonbills, and Dartford Warblers.
Fully funded by the Cameron Bespolka Trust, events are completely free, with binoculars, reference guides, and transport support available to ensure accessibility.
Upcoming events include a Winter Birds Cruise (Jan), Bird ID Course (Feb), a rewilding reserve tour at Wild Woodbury (March), and an Osprey Project Tour (April). Open to 13–18-year-olds in Dorset, the initiative aims to provide opportunities for young people to engage with nature and develop conservation skills. Spaces are limited – sign up now at birdsofpooleharbourbookings.co.uk

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